1.- Conectar con ellas mismas, con lo que están viviendo en este momento y que pueden principalmente si el deseo es suyo. “A veces uno cree que hay que tener hijos porque es lo que toca y muchas…


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Six tips from mental health experts to manage anger

Anger is nothing more than a positive sign that your boundaries have been crossed. It could arise from someone attacking something you believe in or violating something you value. It also happens so fast, but its effects can have a lasting impact on your health, especially if you constantly feel on edge.

So if your blood pressure is constantly rocketing when someone cuts you off in traffic or a child refuses to cooperate with you, you might be setting yourself up to be constantly out of control.

Pick from the list below tips on anger management to restore your "cool" and get your anger under control.

Give yourself space to think about what you want to say. This will save you from saying things you will regret later. Allow others a moment to collect their thoughts too.

The more you practice giving yourself, and others, a moment to think, the better you will soothe yourself and communicate your anger more effectively

As soon as your head is clear and you can think clearly, express yourself in an assertive but non-confrontational manner. State your frustrations, needs, and concerns in a clear and direct way without the intention of hurting or controlling others.

Instead of focusing on what made you angry, put your mind in a solution-finding state to resolve the issue at hand. Do this in a way that affords you your peace and does not harm or intrude on others. Remember, some things are simply out of your control. So adopt a realistic approach towards them, identify what you can change and focus on that.

Anger shows you the problem, but does nothing to fix it. In fact, it only makes whatever situation worse.

Is your partner late for dinner every night? Adjust the time and have meals later in the evening. Or simply agree to eat on your own some of the time.

Trying to place blame or criticise will only increase tension. Use statements with “I” to communicate what the problem is and how you feel. Don’t assume the other person intended to make you upset, be respectful and precise in describing the problem. For example, instead of saying “You never do any housework,” say, “I’m upset that you left without offering to help with the dishes.”

If you hold onto anger, it will turn into bitterness, resentment, or a sense of injustice that drowns out positive feelings.

Aiming for reconciliation and forgiveness might help you and others learn from a situation and strengthen your connection or relationship.

Lighten up a bit to diffuse any tension that might come up. It will help you relax your temper and make others more receptive to your feelings. Using sarcasm and other offensive tactics might make things worse when others get hurt.

Use humor to face what is making you angry, and get perspective on how to handle the situation.

Other suggestions include practicing relaxation techniques, seeking professional assistance, and getting some exercise.

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