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9 Habits to improve your personality

Consistent and conscious choices

The self-development journey is a precious one. I would go as far as to say it's an art form, comparable to sculpting away at a masterpiece. There is no need to feel anxious or rushed. There is no destination. However, the earlier you become aware and control your actions and thoughts. The sooner you begin to reflect attractive, uncommon characteristics and traits. Specifically, improving your personality can very well be the difference between obtaining your dream job, spouse, or simply be exposed to new opportunities. You’ll seem to have been knit from a different cloth with a radiating unique personality.

Here are nine concrete practical thoughts and tips.

People like to be heard and understood. Developing active listening skills and putting forth a sincere interest in the other person can and will skyrocket your people skills. Listen with intent. Your non-verbal communication is a part of the dialogue here as well. Make proper eye contact, reassuring physical contact if appropriate, or simply smiling and nodding. Reassure the other person when speaking, repeat key phrases, make an open-ended question to confirm your interest and that your following along. Highly effective listeners take this one step forward and look for messages between the lines.

Now, this is a curious one. No, you don't have to play it mysteriously cool James Bond. But becoming a more well-rounded individual will go a long way. This includes but is not limited to, exploring new hobbies. Developing new passions. Read more books, take online courses. Knowledge is the key to be perceived as in-depth and interesting. Experience intangibles vigorously and stay curious to keep learning and growing. You’ll be a lot of things. Boring isn't one of them.

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